Why is nipple discharge even without delivery?
Why is nipple discharge even without delivery? Usually, after delivery, milk comes from the breast. This is the whole diet of the baby. In some cases, it can be considered normal if yellow and white fluid comes out of the breast during pregnancy. But how many women leak milk even if they are not in labor. This cannot be considered a normal situation. It is commonly called 'nipple discharge'. There can be many reasons for fluid leaking from the breast. What causes breast discharge? Breast cancer If there is bloody discharge from the woman's breast. Also, if there is a lump inside the breast, the skin over the nipple is thickening, these can be signs of breast cancer. That is why a woman experiences a lump in her breast. And, if red discharge starts from the breast, you should see the doctor immediately. A tumor in the pituitary gland The brain has a gland called pituitary. It controls many other glands of the body. It helps produce hormones, which control growth, blood pres