Masturbation: Confusion some
Masturbation: Confusion some There is a joke in English, '80 percent of people masturbate. And 20 percent lie about it. However, there is no truth in this joke. Not everyone masturbates. The truth is that no one wants to admit that they masturbate. As the sex toy market is expanding now, it has made activities like masturbation easier. Both men and women do masturbation, but comparatively men are more active in it. This is a purely personal action. Therefore, although masturbation is common, it is considered illegal to do such an act in public places. Since masturbation is not taken for granted and is not discussed openly, there is some ambivalence among people about it. In some of those who masturbate, it has created a sense of guilt and in some, shame. The psychology of ``masturbating is not good'' has made people feel inferior inside. After masturbating, they may be haunted by the feeling that they have done something bad. This is why their emotional development can be