Causes and treatment of tinnitus
Causes and treatment of tinnitus Sometimes ringing or ringing in ears is a problem experienced by many people. The ear cries in two ways, one is heard only by oneself and the other is heard by other people. There is a lot of ringing in the ears that is mostly heard by itself. It is called tinnitus in medical language. This may have happened if the Eustachian tube, which connects the inner nose and ear, does not work properly. Causes of ringing in the ears Ringing in the ears can be caused by various reasons. In general, sitting for a long time with loud noises can cause ringing in the ears due to colds, fevers and fatigue during the flight. Apart from this, ear ringing occurs due to accumulation of waste in the ear, ear infection, problems in the inner part of the ear, torn eardrum, blocked or jammed ear, ear canal filled, ear bone problem, dry ear vein and tumor in the ear tube. Similarly, mental stress, smoking and alcohol consumption can also cause tinnitus. If there is a problem fr