What kind of knowledge and support do children get when they grow up under the umbrella of their grandparents?
What kind of knowledge and support do children get when they grow up under the umbrella of their grandparents? The foundation of the family is connected with the elders. It is said that a family is complete only if there are grandparents in the house. Grandparents are like the roots that can keep the family strong like a tree. While the sons and daughters in a house are busy with work, children's studies and sports, the senior citizens in the same house are taking care of them directly and indirectly. The contribution of senior citizens is important to bring the family together. Children brought up in joint families get high culture from their grandparents, which plays a big role in shaping their character. Psychologist Sandesh Dhakal says that when something difficult happens in the family, it is good for senior citizens to use their understanding to get the family out of trouble. "The life of the elderly is full of experience, they have seen many sunshines and shadows in